5 Kid-Friendly Trails in Moab

5 Kid Friendly Trails in Moab

Having been to Moab many many times there are sooooo many trails it can be a little overwhelming to choose your trails. I have chosen 5 trails that give you all the Moab Vibes while still being kid friendly. 

Two of the trails are located in Arches National Park. You now have to have a reservation to get in, so make sure you plan ahead! The three others are not located within a park. I chose not to add any from Canyonlands, however there are many viewpoints or very very short walks you can do in Canyonlands for the great view. No hike required! 

  1. Onion Creek Narrows (2 miles roundtrip)

This is one of those hikes that doesn’t really have a designated trail, or parking lot-although it’s super fun and great in the summer as you walk through water the entire time. 

Take a drive up Onion Creek Road- it is a dirt road with some creek crossings. I’ve seen minivans drive it, but just be prepared for a bumpy road and driving through shallow water. This many miles up the road pull off the road and start walking south down the creek. The walls will continue to get higher and close in. You can walk for as long as you’d like and turn around to go back to the car. This is also a dog friendly hike.

  1. Mill Creek Trail (1.8 miles roundtrip)

Disclaimer: At the beginning of this trail you may need to briefly carry young kids across creek crossing/rock ledge.

LOVE this hike. It is so close to the downtown area of Moab, so a short drive if you’re staying there. You will have a couple creek crossings as you follow the trail. The end goal is a waterfall-where I have seen many people swim/cliff jump. I haven’t, so just double check water depth before you jump! 

  1. Corona Arch (2.4 miles roundtrip)

An iconic arch that is shorter, more mellow climb than to delicate arch. Towards the end of the hike there is a short section of steps worn into the rock with a rope to help you, as well as a small ladder. Toddlers would need to be carried, but older kids will enjoy this challenge! 

  1. Sand Dune Arch-Arches National Park (.3 mile roundtrip)

This fun arch is hidden within some red rocks. The hike itself is very short and you will walk through some sand to get there. Short and sweet, and provides a great place to sit and hang out with your kiddos. 

  1. Double Arch Trail (.6 mile roundtrip)

This is a super busy/popular spot that I put off many trips going to Moab/Arches. I will say that it is such a cool area though! The hike is very short. Your toddler can easily hike the entire way. It’s also fun to climb around the rocks underneath the arches. 

Located in the same parking lot are the hikes to The Windows and (blank) that are also very short.

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